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Member Termly Donations 2023

We suggest that every chorus member makes a termly donation of £50 to help cover our core costs, including music, rehearsal tracks, artistic team and our rehearsal venue. We firmly believe that financial difficulty should not be a barrier to being part of the TOC family, and that anyone who sings with us should be able to do so. However, although the suggested amount is completely voluntary, we will not be able to continue to operate unless we can meet the costs listed above, so please pay if you are able, and feel free to pay more if you can.

If you are unable or would rather not pay the recommended amount, please let your Section Rep know as early in the first term as possible.  These conversations will be treated with the strictest of confidence but will allow the Board to plan financially for the upcoming year. If you have not let your Section Rep know you are unable or would rather not pay, we will issue you with a reminder in the event of non-payment.

If you can pay please do so within the first 4 weeks of each term, by direct transfer into the TOC bank account.  

When paying, please include your name and section as your reference - e.g. JosephineBloggsS1/JoeBloggsB2 etc.


Account Name: Thames Opera Company

Sort code: 60-09-11

Account Number: 72704403

If for any reason you are unable to make a direct bank transfer please speak to your section rep who will help you find an alternative way of paying.

©2022 by Thames Opera Company. 

Registered Office - The Old Bakery, The Green, West Tilbury, Tilbury, England, RM18 8TU

Registered in England Company Number13055360            Registered Charity Number 1201123

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